Water treatment plant in combined cycle power station

Application The complete installation of separate plants for water treatment (PTA) and electrochlorination (PE) for the supply of service, drinking and demineralized water at a 400MW combined cycle power station. Characteristics Huelva Plastics was responsible for the manufacture of all the racks that make up the plant (metal structures and pipes), as well as the […]
FRP filter housings with internal fittings in polypropilene

Manufacture of filter housings for pressure vessels, together with their internal fittings, for a water treatment plant. Characteristics The equipment was composed of an outer casing and internal components for supporting the filter cartridges. The diameter of the equipment was determined by the total number of filter elements. In this case, the diameters were 750 […]
Piping system for water treatment at an oceanographic park

Application The installation was integrated into the water treatment system feeding the different aquariums at the Valencia Oceanographic Park. Huelva Plastics carried out the manufacture and assembly of the pipes, and also of the associated mechanical equipment. Characteristics The various circuits installed had diameters of between DN20 and DN400. In total, about 8,500m of pipe […]
Protegido: Water treatment plants for Abengoa

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