Transport of liquids

Applications related to the transporting of corrosive liquids likewise found a powerful ally in plastic materials, both for their proven resistance to chemical corrosion and its versatility in the manufacture of the wide range of standard and customized accessories involved in the installation of piping systems. These properties extend to all systems for handling fluids, as well as process piping, covering a wide range of diameters and design conditions. In this field, PH Technology manufactures and installs complete piping systems, covering every phase of production:

  • Design
  • Workshop manufacture of pipes and fittings (FRP, dual)
  • Workshop prefabrication of isometrics
  • Site assembly
  • Manufacture and assembly of support structures
  • Supply of accessories (valves, pumps…)
  • Installation of associated mechanical equipment

Standard pipe components and accessories manufactured by PH Technology in FRP composites and for dual systems conform to codes DIN16965 and DIN16966. The design of complete piping systems is conducted according to the guidelines in BS7159 and BS6464. The design and assembly of piping systems made of thermoplastic materials is conducted according to the guidelines in DVS2210-1.
