Pressure Vessels Rubiales (Colombia)

Water treatment plant in combined cycle power station

Application The complete installation of separate plants for water treatment (PTA) and electrochlorination (PE) for the supply of service, drinking and demineralized water at a 400MW combined cycle power station. Characteristics Huelva Plastics was responsible for the manufacture of all the racks that make up the plant (metal structures and pipes), as well as the […]
Microfiltration racks and CIP plant

Application These were low pressure microfiltration (MF) units, located upstream of a reverse osmosis (RO) stage. The purpose of this systems was the reuse of biological wastewater of industrial origin. Characteristics Both the microfiltration systems and the CIP plant were based on a system of polyethylene pipes with diameters of DN200 and DN150. The maximum […]
High pressure micro filtration rack

Application Manufacture of high pressure microfiltration units (MF), to be installed upstream of a reverse osmosis system (RO). These units are part of a system for eliminating sulphides from seawater in the context of a water treatment plant for the extraction of crude oil on an off-shore platform. Characteristics The filtration racks are based on […]
Piping system for desalination plant

Application Installation of piping for a treatment system based on membrane filtration, including feed and extraction systems for the racks, and filter fronts. Characteristics Huelva Plastics was responsible for the supply and prefabrication of almost all the piping in its workshops, as well as its assembly on site. The pipes installed had a wide range […]
Piping system for water treatment at an oceanographic park

Application The installation was integrated into the water treatment system feeding the different aquariums at the Valencia Oceanographic Park. Huelva Plastics carried out the manufacture and assembly of the pipes, and also of the associated mechanical equipment. Characteristics The various circuits installed had diameters of between DN20 and DN400. In total, about 8,500m of pipe […]
Protected: Water treatment plants for Abengoa

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Catchment system for swamp water at a pumping station

Application Construction of a floating water catchment system feeding a pumping station for irrigation. This was an emergency intake system installed because of low water levels in the reservoir that fed the stationary pumps on land. Characteristics The installation comprised approximately 500m of polyethylene PE-HD piping with a diameter of DN700 and a nominal pressure […]